Sunday, April 21, 2013

April Funding Update!

Hi ya'll! 

I just wanted to give a very quick update as to where I am financially in my prep for moving. I'm officially at 15% and I have over $1,700 in my start up fund! This is not an easy journey, but through it I am gaining a much greater understanding of God's peace. Obviously this peace isn't coming from me or anything I am doing because by the world's standards and perspective, I am getting close to d-day and am no where close to where I need to be in terms of support. But Philippians 4:7 says, "And the peace of God, which transcends al understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." And thats exactly what He is doing! Guarding my heart and reminding me that He will provide. I am also learning to boast about what God is doing and I want you all to know how great He is and how He is truly providing! He is so good!!!

In light of that, last week I had a conversation with a dear friend who challenged me to pray bigger prayers. So that is what I'm going to do. I am praying to be 50% pledged ($520 more dollars than I already have) by the middle of May! In other words I'm praying that God lays it on people's hearts to give monthly to my trip. Since I started praying this prayer I have had at least two people a day tell me that they are praying about joining my support team (without me saying anything to them) so I know that God is working! 

Please join me in prayer that He continues to work and that by the 3rd week of May I can say: "I am half way to Germany!" 

Thank you!

(Quick reminder, in case you don't know: I'm needing to be in Germany by August 10th and I can't buy my ticket until I'm 80% pledged)

GO HERE to see exactly where God has already provided!

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