Monday, February 3, 2014

A SUPERbowl Weekend

There is very little room for boredom when you live in a dorm, but somehow God gives us the energy and inspiration to make it even more adventurous then it already was. This weekend is a perfect example of that. Usually Friday night consists of the girls falling asleep on the couches for a couple hours before dinner and then we watch movies until lights out. Saturday is always a late start day, then gratises (chores), then free time. Often we are driving students back to other dorms and picking up our girls from sleepovers. There is always a lot of cooking to be done on the weekends since the school kitchen only provides meals on week days. These are usually 18 hour days for us dorm staff...crazy long, always on our feet, but so rewarding.

So if you thought a normal weekend sounded exhausting this weekend might make you think we are a little crazy. There are a lot of "American things" that our girls don't always understand. In this case it was the odd obsession with the Superbowl. Megan and I are not huge football fans, but we thought we would take this opportunity to educate our girls a little bit on the tradition of celebrating the facing off of two teams of men. While we didn't actually watch the Superbowl (cause it started at 12:20AM in Germany) we still had a party, cause we LOVE parties!

So this is what this weekend looked like (keep reading to see how we kept the excitement going on Sunday):
Friday night - Pizza/movie night!
Saturday - All day prep for our Superbowl party, PARTY, watch The Blind Side!
(Then RAs made lunch for the next day. YAY for crock-pot sloppy joes and being asleep by 12am)

Here is how it all went down...of corse I'm going to provide you with pictures!

But the fun wasn't over yet...

Another reason we did all this work of cooking and decorating (with the help of our good friends and subs, Heather and Brittany) was to get our girls in the mood for the PowederPuff football game on Sunday.

Sunday!!! #GoHawks
...Oh, I mean...GO Blauen!

It was a blast cheering on the girl's dorms as they competed against each other. Most of them didn't know what to do, but who cares! I mean seriously...anyone who knows me knows that those girls probably know more than I do about the sport. It was so much fun laughing along with them as they took out the quarterback, or whoever was near matter if it would be helpful to the winning of the game or not.

The cheerleaders!

Practice. Get those game faces on girlies!
Since we are such a small dorm (compared to the other girl's dorms) we joined up with the Liel girl's dorm.

 Lets do this!
Katie, an RA at Palm, getting taken down. Epic.
Amy (one of our seniors) was a little over dressed, but thats ok cause it made for a funny picture. 

RAs vs. Students!!!

We love these girls!

And just when you think an afternoon can't get any better, you get a sunset like this.